There is nothing more important than the safety, health and well-being of our community.

Open Ventures Group Remains Open During COVID-19 Pandemic

Open Ventures Group remains open and fully operational amidst the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We continue to actively monitor developments around the globe, while keeping the safety, health and well-being of our employees, customers and community as our #1 priority.

Open Ventures Group is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for all our employees. Open Ventures Group has developed the following COVID-19 plan, which includes policies and procedures to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19, in accordance with OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS).

Roles and Responsibilities

Open Ventures Group’s goal is to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 in the workplace. Managers as well as non-managerial employees and their representatives are all responsible for supporting, complying with, and providing recommendations to further improve this COVID-19 plan.

The COVID-19 Safety Coordinator implements and monitors this COVID-19 plan. The COVID-19 Safety Coordinator has Open Ventures Group’s full support in implementing and monitoring this COVID-19 plan, and has authority to ensure compliance with all aspects of this plan. Open Ventures Group and the COVID-19 Safety Coordinator will work cooperatively with non-managerial employees and their representatives to conduct a workplace-specific hazard assessment and in the development, implementation, and updating of this COVID-19 plan.

Open Ventures Group Response to COVID-19

At Open Ventures Group (OVG), we are actively and continuously following the COVID-19 pandemic, globally and in the U.S. In alignment with our core values, we continue to make safety a top priority. We are taking appropriate steps to mitigate exposure to COVID-19 and new variants, and to maintain transparent communications.

Since March of 2020, we have continued to follow relevant local and federal guidelines in our offices and on our projects, and we are working collaboratively to ensure the health and safety of our employees, customers, partners and communities.

Project Safety
OVG’s key focus always is to provide a safe and healthy working environment on all our projects. We are working actively to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 and its new variants on our employees and stakeholders, while continuing to maintain safe operations.

OVG’s safety management policies (SMP) are designed and implemented to provide a safe working environment for all workers on all OVG projects. The SMP mandates the creation of construction work plans and daily hazard analyses to identify work activity risks so they are properly assessed, understood and mitigated.

OVG implemented additional health and safety measures and precautions to address COVID-19 specific exposure risks, including:

  • providing additional alcohol-based hand sanitizer and wash stations
  • requiring and enforcing social distancing
  • enforcing a Zero-Tolerance for Working Sick Policy
  • increased and enhanced cleaning and sanitizing by third-party specialist cleaning contractors of high touch surfaces, high traffic areas, equipment, tools and vehicles
  • adherence to our glove policy requirements onsite
  • adhering to the CDC’s PPE guidance in offices and on jobsites
  • remote working and shift rotations, where necessary
  • screening measures at jobsite entry gates, where necessary

OVG’s specific health and safety response is based on guidelines and recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and World Health Organization and construction industry sources. We continue to develop good practices, take additional preventative steps, and seek global, national and regional health authority and industry guidance.

Throughout the pandemic, we are maintaining open lines of communication with all stakeholders and continue to do our part to fight the further spread of the virus, keep our projects running safely and support our communities through this challenging time.

Additional Measures

COVID-19 Coordination Response Teams and Business Continuity
OVG established a US COVID-19 Coordination Response Team, as well as Local Coordination Response Teams in every market. These teams are tasked with monitoring this evolving situation, sharing information, compliance, implementing protocols, reducing exposure, and supporting our teams and operations.

Social Distancing and Use of PPE
Encouraging safe hygiene and social distancing across our offices and projects. We also continue to follow CDC guidelines as it pertains to the use of PPE.

OVG employees are encouraged to continue making effective use of remote meeting technologies and communications tools as a priority to minimize travel and the spread of COVID-19.

Employee Resources
Employees have access to an internal website via the web or an app. This site provides daily updates related to COVID-19, OVG recommended policies, support resources, benefits for employees and families, and more.